DRAGONFORCE Releases New Song 'A Draco Tale' in Honor of 'Brawl Stars' Game Character DRACO

May 30, 2024

Power metal veterans DRAGONFORCE have teamed up with "Brawl Stars", a hit multiplayer mobile game with over one billion downloads, to celebrate a brand new character entering the game with an electrifying new song "A Draco Tale" and music video.

Rocking his way into the "Brawl Stars" universe from today, Draco is the game's first guitar-wielding Legendary Brawler. With Draco's love for heavy metal, extreme sports and "Dungeons & Dragons", DRAGONFORCE's new exclusive original track is the perfect headbanging song to welcome this dragon-rider in the most epic, heavy metal way.

DRAGONFORCE co-founder Herman Li, famed for lightning-fast guitar solos inspired by video game soundtracks, is a lifelong gamer who has amassed an impressive Twitch following. The collaboration came about as the game team at Supercell, the company behind "Brawl Stars", are huge fans of DRAGONFORCE and invited the band to announce the addition of a new character. The song blends DRAGONFORCE's high-octane sound with the chaos of "Brawl Stars" and is being released on the game's YouTube channel, which boasts 16.5 million subscribers. The epic music video features the five-piece band and special animations of the new character Draco.

Li says: "'Brawl Stars' is a hectic, fast-paced game that I love playing in my spare time so when the developers asked us to record a new song about a heavy metal-loving character, we jumped at the chance. I think 'Brawl Stars' fans are going to love this new Legendary Brawler."

Drew Haycock, Supercell community manager, adds: "I've personally been a fan of DRAGONFORCE for almost 20 years now and was stoked when they said they'd record a new song for Draco. Working with the band was an awesome experience and it was incredible seeing them do their thing at the video shoot! They were hyped about the project from the start and are the perfect band to bring Draco's quirky charm into the musical world."

DRAGONFORCE's latest album, "Warp Speed Warriors", was released in March via Napalm Records.

On "Warp Speed Warriors", DRAGONFORCE — composed of of guitar virtuosos and founding members Li and Sam Totman, singer Marc Hudson, bassist Alicia Vigil and drummer Gee Anzalone — explore a wider range of varying musical styles than ever before, evolving their sound throughout the exciting musical journey while still staying true to their roots.

"Warp Speed Warriors" was produced, mixed and mastered by Damien Rainaud at Mix Unlimited in Los Angeles, California with Sam Totman and Herman Li.

DRAGONFORCE's platinum-selling single "Through The Fire And Flames" brought the London-based Grammy-nominated extreme power metal group international acclaim and was featured as the most challenging song on "Guitar Hero III".

In March 2019, the "Through The Fire And Flames" music video reached a new milestone: it surpassed one hundred million views on YouTubeDRAGONFORCE's first music video to do so.

"Through The Fire And Flames" is the leadoff track from 2006's "Inhuman Rampage" album, which was officially certified gold in July 2017 by the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) for sales in excess of half a million copies.

Photo credit: Travis Shinn

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